Showreel (extended version here )
Pierpaolo (aka Pier Paolo) Gandini after the Master of Fine Arts degree started his career as a camera operator and cinematographer (16 and 35 mm) shooting several shorts and documentaries and working in the Special Effects field in the Cinecittà studios in Rome. He made his debut as film director with the short 'Primo!' (1989) screened at the Florence Film Festival New York 1990 and at the 14th Mostra Internacional de Cinema Sao Paulo. Among his works are various commercial clips, documentary feature films and shorts, like 'La Memoria Permessa' (The Permitted Memory, 1993) shown at the 50th Venice Film Festival and 41st Sydney Film Festival, awarded the prize 'Best Italian Short Film of the Year 1993' at the 11th Torino Film Festival, 'Antipodi' (Italo-Australians, 1996), 'Favola del Vento e del Mare' (A tale of the Wind and the Sea, 2004), 'Shearers in Italy' (2008) and 'Der Alchimist' (2012). In 2005 co-founded 'Pidegari Prod. Zurich'.
Photobook #1

Photobook #2

Photobook #3